CGA Palette Chart
Copyright (C) Damian Gareth Walker 2021
Download: cga-palette.png
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This image contains all of the 4-colour CGA palettes available in 320x200 mode. The letters and numbers beside each one provide an easy way to refer to a particular palette. The ones at the top (without letters) are in somewhat common use; the others are particular to this chart.
Nice! It took me a while to figure out what's going on in the image. Maybe it would be easier to understand if the "degenerate" palettes (where the background color is an alias of one of the other colors) were included? This way, it would be a full 6x16 matrix, with a few useless entries, but with a highly logical nomenclature.
KeyJ - 15:39, 11/06/2021
That's a good idea KeyJ. I was thinking about making an expanded version of the chart with a couple more dithering combinations (not all the dithering combinations are shown). I could expand it with degenerate palettes too.
Damian Gareth Walker - 10:54, 13/06/2021